Archive | August, 2012


26 Aug


This outfit may not be enough as a Gangnam Style but would like to think of it like that!hehehe. Does anyone knows what GANGNAM STYLE is.. all i know is that it is a song a big hit from Korea because of its funny dance and the song is nice too sang by PSY. i kinda like dancing it when i feel like goofing around.


Gangnam style is a rich way of living. Gangnam style is used to reflect a party way of living that many young people experience.

maybe like upper east side style… anyway if you want to see the video i’m talking about here’s the link: Enjoy!

Top(Zara), shorts(StyleHub at facebook), Necklace(Holic Accessories at facebook), earring(bazaar), shoes(FashionCookie ShoeAvenue at facebook)